What day of the year has the highest volume of 911 calls?

July 4th has the highest volume of 911 calls. Were you right?
911 icon with star on orange phone

With a little bit of consideration, many people will come up with the correct answer: Independence Day, July 4th.

July 4th is in the summer when it is hot and dry outside, when Dad has had a few beers at the BBQ and when the kids are playing with cousins they have not seen all year resulting in a rumpus.

Unsupervised children, cold summer beverages, matches, dry grass, and hot winds make for a “fireworks” of 911 activity. So before the holiday please make use of 9-3-3 services.

After dialing 9-3-3 on your VoIP phone, you’ll hear a recording that tells you what information the emergency service responders have for you. By doing this you’ll find out what address is associated with your phone number, and whether that’s the correct address.

If it doesn’t work don’t worry, it just means you don’t have a VoIP phone. There’s no harm in trying if your phone service does not support this feature. Good idea to check, though.

So, load up your kids with energy drinks and leave the matches lying around with the cherry bombs. If something happens while your head is bent over the cooler, you at least know that emergency services will be coming to the right spot.

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