Toll-Free Messaging

Deliver better digital experiences with the largest provider of toll-free SMS texting across the industry.

Get built-for-business messaging with your toll-free numbers

Use the toll-free numbers you already have with the power of Bandwidth’s Messaging API, so you can deliver better customer experiences.

Move between texting & voice on the same number

Increasingly, your customers want to communicate with you over text. But sometimes that’s not enough. With toll-free texting you can easily pivot from text to voice with the same number.

Verify and start sending quickly

Manual is great for sports cars but not so great for toll-free verification. Verify your toll-free numbers with Bandwidth’s API and get real-time status updates, including reason codes for any denials. Once your request is “pending” you can start sending traffic immediately.

Use your existing toll-free number

Don’t get a new number, use the one you already have! Text-enable your existing toll-free number and eliminate confusion for your customers or having to manage a separate number for messaging.

A powerful alternative to short codes

It can take weeks to get a short code and start sending messages. With toll-free messaging you can start sending messages quickly, connecting with your customers faster than ever.

Why businesses are switching to Bandwidth’s toll-free SMS

  • Bandwidth supports more toll-free messaging traffic than any other provider
  • Redundant nationwide voice network
  • Verify toll-free numbers via API and get status updates automatically
  • Improved message delivery with data-driven insights like real-time handset delivery receipts
  • Support for unicode and emojis for SMS messages, and support for videos, gifs, pictures, and more for MMS messages

A better support system

Our team of toll-free messaging experts is standing by with tools and processes to ensure your success and satisfaction.

  • Dedicated support to help you every step of the way
  • Assigned single point of contact with all products
  • 24/7 proactive Network Operations Center (NOC)
  • 98% customer satisfaction score
  • Expert business development managers to help navigate your changing needs
  • Dedicated team of porting experts for an easy migration experience

How you can use toll-free SMS services

Bell icon

Alerts & Notifications

Send your customers timely appointment reminders and alerts from a familiar number they can call or text back.



Get real-time feedback from your customers. Find out how your team did and follow-up on any outstanding problems.

cart icon


Send promotions and ads to the right customer at the right time, delivered right to your customers’ mobile phone from a number they recognize.

icon of message with stars as if an authenticatin code

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Secure your customers’ personal information and logins with easy 2FA powered by toll-free messaging.

Customer Service & Support

Create super agents. Handle multiple conversations at once and easily escalate to a voice call from the same number if needed.

require ‘bandwidth’

include Bandwidth
include Bandwidth::Messaging

bandwidth_client =
messaging_basic_auth_user_name: ‘username’,
messaging_basic_auth_password: ‘password’

messaging_client = bandwidth_client.messaging_client.client
account_id = ‘1’
body =
body.application_id = ‘1-2-3’ = [‘+17777777777’]
body.from = ‘+18888888888’
body.text = ‘Hello from Bandwidth’ = [“”]

messaging_client.create_message(account_id, :body => body)
Sending messages with our Toll-Free SMS API is easy. Check out our developer docs to learn more.

Built for developers

Our platform enables us to give you deeper insights and reliable delivery.

A better experience for you and your customers

Give your customers, and your team, an experience they won’t forget with Bandwidth Toll-Free Messaging. Talk to a toll-free messaging expert today and see how your business can make better, more meaningful connections with your customers.

Toll-Free SMS FAQs